Welcome to our resource center. Our goal is to provide up to date quality information for both buyers and sellers.
This information is general in format and will not apply to everyone. However, I can assure you that you will find some important takeaways.
Remember, these are informational guides. If you have any questions or need extra help, please reach out to Brian Long at 760-415-3329. He’s here to help!
Whether you are thinking about selling or not, here are 10 easy ideas to help make your home shine.
You certainly don’t have to do all 21 suggestionshttp://moov4free.com/, so take it one at a time. Remember Moov offers FREE* staging when selling your home.
Our online Seller’s Guide is a condensed version yet still full of great information about what you can expect throughout the selling process.
Some call it “rightsizing”, but either way our Downsizing Guide has will help you through the process.